What Advice Do You Have for New Drivers?

I may be making a bigger deal out of this than necessary. 
(I may just be searching for NaBloWriMo content.)
But after blabbing to my whole world that my son passed his drivers test, I got the best email from my sister, Sandy.

Cross Stitch Pattern by All Stitches

She sent me a list of some advice she remembered our Dad dispensed as he was teaching her to drive.  I had forgotten some of these, which were also used on me. But once I read them, the memories came back, and I realize how much I miss my dad. (he passed away in 2000 after living 83 wonderful years)

Here is the short list of driving advice from my Dad: 

  • 1) When you make turns, try not to "throw" the passengers in the car.
  • 2) Try to use your brakes as little as possible.
  • 3) Always try to anticipate what the other driver is going to do.
  • 4) "...Uh, Sand, can you step on it a little bit more? At this (slow) speed, it'll take ALL DAY to get there!"
  • 5) (waiting to make a left turn) (yelling): "OK you got it, give 'er hell, give 'er hell!" (meaning, if you go fast, you can make it!)
  • 6) Always check the oil and windshield washer fluid before a long trip.
  • 7) In winter slush or rain, Dad would try to drive behind big trucks and use their spray to wash the windshield, to save on wiper fluid. (Also used hand-applied snow for same)

Yes, you did read #2 correctly. This made for some pretty wild rides while he was driving ~ he lived this small piece of advice to make his brakes last as long as possible. He hated spending money on such things as new brakes....

This was also the motivation for #7. Why waste wiper fluid when you had other ways to wash the windshield?? He was all about making the most of what you had, and saving what you could. Splurging on wiper fluid, for instance, could be avoided if it rained and snowed enough.

Vintage Brass Pencil Sharpenerby Texas Eagle Gallery
There are some important tips in this list, like #3 and #6, but #2 and #7 are tips  that I cannot wholly stand behind.  I have to remember, he grew up during the Great Depression, where one could not afford to fix brakes and buy wiper fluid (if you were lucky enough to afford a car)

In general, they come from great philosophies on living. I may joke that when we pinch pennies and go without certain things, we are "so Walter" (his name), but really I am glad I can live smart, and give thanks that he instilled in me the importance of not living frivolously and not wasting anything

I know he would be proud of his oldest grandson, and probably dispense a whole heap of advice to him if he was still around. But the least I can do is pass this list on to my son, who incidentally is actually very similar to his Grandpa when it comes to spending money. He just doesn't like to do it. (And he just might appreciate the wiper fluid saving techniques, because it costs $60 to fill the gas tank in the truck he is driving.)

Favorite Mode of Transportation Buttonsby Portable Graffiti
I started thinking, what other advice had we not thought of? So I ask:

What advice did your parents give you when you learned to drive? 
And of that, which would you not pass on to your kids?


  1. This is so familiar. I can still see our "Pop" saying "keep your eyes on the road" while he was looking at my kids in the back seat!! Somehow we all survived his driving and (knock on wood) the kiddos have survived too.

    But for serious advice: No friends in the car! Also, make them pay for insurance or at least a portion of the vehicle. If they have a $$ stake in safe driving they will be more careful.

    And thanks for using my vintage auto pencil sharpener photo. Isn't that cool?
    Hugs and angels on your shoulders,

  2. Watch out for school buses!! The flashing red lights and Stop arm out mean cars coming from BOTH directions need to STOP!!! I'm not sure driver's ed makes as big a deal out of this as they need to...we had a 7-year-old in our school district last May get killed while she was crossing the road to get on the bus because someone didn't stop for the bus signals.

  3. "Don't practice handbrake turns on the gravel again until you can afford your own car" (I bent his a little bit)

  4. Great list of Driving tips, some of them made me smile.

    Sorry I don't have any tips to share, it's been a long time since I got any tips about driving.

    I am sure your son is going to be a great driver!

    Everyday Inspired


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