Walking on Wednesday

Walking on Wednesdays is a weekly series exploring the world around us. It started as motivation to get me to consistently go for walks, to get some exercise, but turned into a weekly tour of nature, thoughts, philosophies, tips, shopping, fun, and whatever fits the mood for the day. 
Here are some of the moods of the day.
Join Me on My Walk
Inspiration - What is Around that Bend for You?
Sad to See Summer Go?
Bittersweet Back to School
Falling Hurts Sometimes
To Expect the Unexpected
Finding Your Creative Marketing Side
Top 10 Reasons (Excuses) NOT to Walk
Change of Scenery ~ Change of Pace
Rainy Day Recipe! Apple Bread
Bugs, Bunnies, and Birdies
Window Shopping
Walk of Innocence
Walking up to a Snake
Walking Down Memory Lane
Mall Walking
Time - Things I Must Enjoy

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