Walking on Wednesday - Change of Scenery ~ Change of Pace

Do you ever feel like you need a change of scenery, a change of pace?  

Do you ever just want to avoid the computer for days?

Do you ever find it so difficult to get motivated to create that you take drastic measures to change your routine, change everything, to start over? 

Monday, I just couldn't find music that inspired me. I couldn't find the inspiration to write, I couldn't create, I didn't even want to do my normal computer routine.  
I knew I needed to change my routine.  So today's Walking on Wednesday is about changing things up a bit.  I thought changing up the music, and posting today, would be a good way to start today.

Find new music - here is a different music experience, Symphonic Pink Floyd.

Numb yourself to your normal sounds, routines, experiences.
Find new sights.
by CubaGallery on Flickr
Find new sounds.

by eddie.welker on Flickr
Find new routines.
by JadeTang on Flickr
So I began this week avoiding the computer, creating, writing. On my walk this morning (yes, I have been getting walks in regularly!), I felt that my internal computer was re-booting. I found that motivation that had been lost. I felt that I thrived on changing my routine. I saw new sites exploring new areas in our town and surrounding towns. I limited time on the computer, increased time with the family. I broke the mold I had been so comfortable in.

This time, that break really worked for me. And I hope to keep this new perspective by continuing to break up the regular course of procedure. 

Do you need to re-boot regularly? 
Or do you thrive on the same routine? 


  1. Just lately I have had similar thoughts about the sameness of my daily life. I broke it yesterday and feel so much better. it's healthy!

  2. Doing such a thing is vital to all of us from time to time, I believe.
    Additionally, with the current worldwide economic climate, which I believe is here to stay, so many people are feeling demoralized and frustrated, that sometimes just a simple break for a while can be very healing. So can starting to learn a completely new skill....

  3. Amazing how some people think alike - outside of the usual brother-sister, husband-wife pairings! I'm in need of a head-clearing, heart-cleansing walk in the woods..................thanks for an eye-opener today, Raige!

  4. I've never heard pink floyd played by a symphony and it absolutely made my day! I find that too much stress, routine, and computer time leaves me feeling drained. I'm hoping to re-boot over the 3 day weekend... great post!

  5. I hate to admit this, but yes, I do thrive on the same routine; and now I"m NUTS that I'm out of it, with summer and kids home from school. I completely lose my momentum. Yes, I'm a creature of habit! Though I did enjoy this post, if I ever DO decide to change things up:))

  6. I was wondering if there would be someone who thrives on routine. Sandra, I think it is great that works for you. Normally routine is what gets me out of bed, but every now and then, more often lately, I need something fresh. And Elizabeth, yes, that will be trying something new!
    I am so glad you liked the Symphonic Floyd - they sound great that way!
    A walk in the woods is wonderful! So much in nature to appreciate and think about.

    Here's to great new things, and wonderful old routines!

  7. I really need to... just so hard sometimes... but I know I do have to.
    But first I have to get in more sleep time, that I am really lacking lately.

  8. I find if I get a routine it bores me and then nothing gets done and everything is a chore. I've learnt to 'wing it' not to over plan and just do what I fancy as much as I can without total choas reigning :-)


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