Walking on Wednesday - Art in Autumn


The time of transition from warm to cold, 
the harvest time. 

Last Saturday, here in Weaverville, it was time to harvest the Art. Weaverville hosts the Art in Autumn Festival every September, and has been doing so for five years now.

This year, it was a festival of over 100 juried artists and artisans, musicians throughout the day, and lots of happy, friendly people. (One vendor told me she will be back next year just because the people here are so friendly and have such a good attitude.)
The Art in Autumn Featival booth, sponsored by
the Weaverville Business Association
I decided to volunteer to help sell the Art in Autumn merchandise and raffle tickets, proceeds going toward the festival costs.  I thought it would be a great way to meet people (moved here just a year ago and we still don't know too many people), and experience the festival a little, as I want to apply next year. 

I met some wonderful people, and some wonderful artists! Being on a real tight budget, I mostly browsed. But when I found Puzzle Pots, I found my reserve to 'not buy' slipping. 

Belle and me, with some of her magnets on the right.
Belle, the creator of Puzzle Pots, is completely inspired by puzzle pieces. Not that she completes puzzles. In fact, she told me she does not enjoy doing puzzles. (!) She simply loves the pieces, and that each is unique, no two are alike. Doing puzzles does nothing but frustrate her. She would rather just enjoy each piece on its own.

I was so intrigued with her booth, so many pieces, all of clay, some put together in pots, some in business card holders, the fridge pockets and the magnets and ornaments, oh my! How cool was this booth? VERY.

My three little elves.
I am a succor for ornaments, and because they are generally within my budget, I made a beeline to them.  I thought the elves were just the cutest, and I hadn't bought ornaments for my kids in years, so they each got a little elf.

The Twilite Broadcasters
The walk up and down the street was full of wonderful sights, sounds, and people. We got to enjoy live music too! Even though few sat to listen, the sound carried well so we were entertained while we walked.

I walked past many talented artists, and when I saw a sea turtle, I had to stop. The years I spent in Cayman, visiting the Turtle Farm with the kids holds a special place in my heart. I love sea turtles. When I looked closer, and realized it wasn't a painting, it wasn't a photo. What was it? It was a Magazine Mosaic!

A what? Yes, exactly what I said. It starts with a great idea and sketch. Then old magazines are scoured for the right color, textures in the colors, etc. The appropriate magazine pages are torn into pieces, and the artist, Shelly Schenker, painstakingly arranges the pieces to fit in her sketch. 

The outcome is stunning. The depth and movement in each one is amazing. Her booth was humming with people, and I was lucky to get a minute to talk to her. She is passionate about the process, and doesn't understand why most people are so secretive about how they do their artwork. 

Now this is the kind of pink flamingo you
wouldn't mine having around.
She loves to teach her process, noting that each piece uses different pieces, and her vision is one thing while someone else's vision will yield very different results. Each one comes out different, even if it started with the same sketch, no two are alike. She avidly volunteers to teach her process to anyone who wants to learn. Spreading the enviro-friendly way to create beautiful artwork. What's not to love about that?

The glass wind chimes are hard to see,
but look on the right, there's one.
I was also impressed with the stained glass and wood artists, but my champagne tastes on my beer budget meant I had to look from afar. Maybe next year, when I have a successful booth of my own, I can get the 'Early Hurricane Warning' (the tag calls them just that) glass wind chimes this clever glass artist makes. 

And who doesn't need some propeller thingy's? Those are cool!! Not sure where I would put those......

It was a wonderful Autumn day, the sun came out, it wasn't too hot, and the people were great. The artists, the attendees, and the volunteers all made this festival successful, and one I will definitely apply to next year. It is growing each year, and with such talented people around, it is something to put on your agenda to attend. 
Blue skies + wonderful people = successful festival
With the blue skies like that, and with more great crowds like the ones that showed up this year, Art in Autumn will be THE place to be in Weaverville next year.


  1. Looks like a success.
    That seller said a lot. Finding friendly people who run things such as this is hard to find anymore.

  2. What a wonderful visit to the Art Festival in Weaverville - photos are terrif, and I loved reading about the people you met - you did a wonderful "first step" in volunteering and getting your foot in the door! I just may SEE you in Weaverville, next year! Gonna mark the Calendar for this one.......
    Grandmother Carolyn

  3. So much beautiful art! How did you manage not to buy everything? And great photos, they made me want to visit this festival.

  4. Sounds like an amazing beautiful day. I love going to art shows just to see all the amazing artists and their work. You should definitely participate next year.
    Everyday Inspired


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