Metal Art! and this internet thing

The Etsy forums are a great way to learn, and find neat stuff. Sometimes I am amazed at the knowledge and support found there. In reading up on RSS feeds, I found a great resource, and a great Etsy artist.

His Etsy shop, TimothyAdamDesigns, is full of very cool metal wearable art, furniture, and accessories. He is a great metal artist that has such a diverse store.

I particularly like this item in his shop - the Gear Necklace - Modern Steampunk.

He is also is a wealth of information on Etsy selling, internet tools, and advice, as seen on his blog, Timothy Adam Designs. It is there where I stepped into the new world of internet tools, RSS feeds,etc. A VERY helpful post at a handmade spark blog, where you can get these great RSS buttons and a ton of information on how to bring more traffic to you site.

You can see on my sidebar, I found one that fits me - PURPLE! You can now subscribe to my Etsy store RSS feed by clicking on this cool button, and can get my store updates automatically. This would give inboxes of my contact list a break for one, and is a neat way to catch the items you like right when they are available.

As I said, I am so grateful to those who are willing to share their knowledge, and even more thankful that I get to find great artists along the way.


  1. Thank you for the great blog post!

  2. Nice! I read that article too and Timothy's blog is full of great blog and etsy tips!

    I like his shop too. :)


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