Music Monday! Come Out and Play

This song came up over dinner. It is funny how slight word combinations can bring up songs, and then dinner takes a turn. 

It happened something like this:

I had picked up some macaroni and cheese from the deli at the grocery store for dinner. (I made a kick-butt Kung-Pao Chicken last night and didn't have the gumption to be too creative for dinner tonight. Thus, it was grocery store deli dinner night)

This mac-n-cheese was loaded. It had ham and broccoli in it, which sounded like it would be a hit. But when my son was coerced into trying some, he picked through it to find just the broccoli. 

Mind you, the broccoli was well mixed in, and therefore appeared as little green dots throughout the mac-n-cheese. Once in a while, you would get a big chunk of it, but mostly it appeared as little tiny specks. 

We knew he loved broccoli, and ham. So we were teasing him for picking through the dish to find the tiny specks of broccoli, and saying after each bite either "Yup that was broccoli", or "That was ham"

We reminded him he likes both, so suggested he just takes a full bite, and then he would have both! "Yes", he said, "I like them, but you've got to keep 'em separated." 
The Offspring
photo courtesy of Super Band Gallery
Bam. This song flew out of the mouths of hubby and me, mostly the great line 'you gotta keep em separated' sung similar to the dude in the song saying it, over and over. (one of the band members is named Noodles! perfect at dinnertime.....) I promised him I would make him plain ole broccoli tomorrow.

To add to the connection, I am going out to play tomorrow. A hike! I get to take a visiting friend to an awesome hike, Craggy Pinnacle. Awesome views, and a good workout, different than just running. A win-win. The views this time should be green and colorful. I can't wait to see.
View from the overlook at Craggy Pinnacle.
This view is from our hike April 2012.
photo courtesy of Raige Creations
I am lucky that my playground in part of a majestic mountain range. I am also luck I get to go out and play. It is much needed play, I am so ready for a day off. 

It is the play time that allows us to re-group, unwind, re-boot. It give us a chance to get some of that stress out, to appreciate life again. 

What is your favorite way to play on your days off? 


  1. If I had beautiful views such as the Craggy Pinnacle, I would be out hiking all the time. Gorgeous!


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