Who Turned One? - POP Embroidery

While I was searching for other online sellers who had reached the milestone of their first anniversary for my article on IndieSmiles.com, Celebrating One Year, I was lucky enough to meet Terri of POP Embroidery

POP Embroidery on Facebook
I 'found' her on Zibbet, in the North Carolina group, and was pleasantly surprised to learn she is only about 30 minutes away from me! Her warm optimism is contageous, and it shows in her work.

You can see it too, in the answers to the questions I asked her last month about her POP Embroidery Birthday.

What is the most important thing you have done to get you to your first anniversary as an online seller?

During this first year, I’ve remained positive about my ability to design unique, quality handmade products, whether it was scrapbooking or embroidery. Coupled with the tremendous support of my husband and family, I’ve been able to stay diligent through the difficult times.
Camo Dad Mini Key Fob

How are you celebrating this milestone?

Planning has not been one of my attributes, lately therefore I haven’t planned a celebration, yet. It might be in Feb, as that is my birthday month, too.

We can't wait to find out what your plan is for celebrating - and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Zibbet Wristlet Key Fob
What has been your most successful marketing tool?

By far my most successful marketing tool has been networking with other crafters, whether on the Zibbet forums, twitter, stumbleupon, flickr, or facebook and Link Love.  The most successful sale I had was locally. I sold several personalized baby blankets that I had flat priced. Basically all embroidery was free.

What, if anything, are you going to do differently in the second year of your business?

I love grandpa Baby Bib

Treating my embroidery as a business is my challenge. I need to organize my time, as I can get “lost” on the computer and miss designing for the day! My plan is to designate time for designing and production, and time for marketing, all the while being flexible to a schedule change. My number one focus is looking at myself as a professional, successful business owner with a unique and desirable product to sell.
Pease Mini Key Fob

Terri, that is something we all need to strive for - thinking of ourselves as successful business owners! We often forget. 

I so appreciate the time spent with Terri, and that she makes me want to succeed.
The coming year is bound to bring good things to POP Embroidery, some already in the works, I hear. Keep us posted, Terri, and I expect we all will have key fobs with our insiration on it by the year's end!

Two Little Frogs Burp Cloth
We all need someone, or even more than one person, who can bring us warm optimism, as Terri does.

Is there anyone who does that for you?

Who makes you strive to be successful, and positive? 


  1. Teresa's positive outlook is an inspiration to us all. And her work is A+++.

  2. What a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much for the article, I am honored!

  3. Lovely interview, thanks for introducing us POP Embroidery! :)


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