My sad little potted herb garden....

I was so excited to try my hand at growing some basil, dill, sage, cilantro, and chives once we moved. I didn't plant anything all summer because I knew we were moving.
Once we got settled, I bought some dirt and planted the seeds I had been holding onto since we sold our house way back last year. I started with 4 pots, 2 kinds of basil, cilantro, dill, chives, and sage.
My high expectations of pots overflowing with lush, green sprouts were met with this.
A sad little potted herb garden.

I had 2 different kinds of Basil, so they both went into the big pot.  My daughter was helping, so she filled one side with one kind of basil, and filled the other side with the second kind of basil. 
What grew?  Seven.  A measly seven. You can hardly see them in this pot above.  I thought the few that came up were kaput, especially since a squirrel planted something in the pot. But last week I saw some new leaves trying to grow.  So there is hope there, but I think a squirrel has planted something again, or trying to find what he originally planted. We are hoping for the best.
The cilantro, seen in this pot above, is doing the best! I am happy about that.  But of all the herbs I planted, I use cilantro the least. Go figure.

So that leaves the sage, dill and chives as the rest of the seeds we planted.  We put the sage in one pot, and dill and chives together in the other pot, because there were only had 4 pots to plant in. (I didn't want to spend more $ getting a new pot). 
Of those two pots, one had absolutely nothing come up. Nada, niet, NOTHING! I retired that one in the basement a few weeks ago when it became evident that nothing would sprout. I have given up on that one.

This pot, seen below, does have things growing it it, but I am really not sure what the heck they are.  There are three different things in it.  I am stumped.  The 2 pots, one with the sage and the other with the dill and chives, looked identical.  Of course they got mixed up when I had to move them, so I really don't know what is supposed to be growing in here.  It should be either dill and chives OR just sage.
What do you think?  I don't recognize any of these leaves yet. I think at least one is a weed. I would love to hear your suggestions. I have never grown sage before, and I remember chives looking nothing like any of these. Dill, I don't know what that looks like this young,  I only know what it looks like when it is grown. 

I would love some input.  It is still warm enough to keep them outside here, but won't be for much longer.  Then I will have to find a place to keep them inside.  I would love to know which one (or more) of these three is the weed so I don't bring that in the house.  Also, any suggestions to help the poor basil would be appreciated. I use a lot of basil when I cook, so an overflowing pot of this would be awesome.
So all you green thumbs out there - what do you think?


  1. I grow basil but not from seed. I've tried and its never worked. Those mystery leaves are....a mystery. Definitely not dill or chives. Sorry, but sage is doubtful also. I find with herbs I do better buying small plants. I had 2 this year of basil,in the ground and I have enough now for tons of pesto and other uses...and I do mean alot!

  2. I don't neccessarily have a green thumb. But could it be that your seeds were too old?... sometimes seeds packaged for the previous growing year are not 'vigorously viable' after that year. For the lucky ones that did sprout, it kindof looks like your soil is coarse with a lot of wood bits in it, which may have raised the acidity enough to stunt the tender seedlings' growth. Possible Rx -- Transplant to nice dark potting soil? But with a surgeon's touch! -- Sandy

  3. It's true, I did buy the cheap soil was Walmart....and the seeds were old....But I think the soil issue could be it. I will give it a try.

  4. Like Barbra, I also do much better with plants. Plants were grow and eventually have to be transplanted into the ground.

    In addition to what others said, seeds have to be kept wet, but not too wet until the plants come up well. It's a tricky science. Sometimes I have had luck.

    I would use Black Cow manure rather than soil. But at least, half Black Cow and half organic potting soil.


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