Friday Find ~ Wishing to Find That Missing Puzzle Piece

Do you ever have days where you feel like you're just one puzzle piece short? Just not quite all there, not quite finished, so close, yet so far? And then you just can't FIND that last piece! We had that day two days ago. And are plagued by it.

We were coming along nicely on the puzzle. The one we started 2 weeks before, with inspiration from my recent trip. We worked together on it, and were having a great time. As we got closer, the more excited we were to be done.

Nearly Done!
photo courtesy of Raige Creations

And when all that was left was the flowers, we noticed that one pesky hole was left in the upper right.
What the heck happened to that last piece? No clue. Did it come missing one? Did one get thrown away with the bag the pieces came in, I really don't think so.

Where is that confounded last piece?!?!
photo courtesy of Raige Creations
We looked under couches, tables, in the laundry basket, pockets of clothes we thought we may have worn and could be in for some reason, under the damn puzzle even. Nothing. 

We are one puzzle piece short. We cannot find that last piece.
Doing another puzzle together is iffy, says hubby. The missing piece is gnawing at him in a bad way. 
Me? It bothers me, but I still appreciate we did the rest. I am just happy we finished the frikkin flowers, because they were the last thing to get done, the hardest part. Hubby was right, why WERE there so many f$#%king flowers?!?!?

But, it is what it is ~ finished-less-one-piece.
I do hope we do another puzzle, that we pick together, with ALL the pieces. Because it really is a great way to spend time together (instead of watching TV!), and I really love all the laughs we had doing this one. Even missing one piece is something we will laugh about, eventually.

After all, it is these little things that make life special. We don't need that piece to enjoy the fact that we got it done (almost) and that missing piece won't change the time we spent doing it.

Remember, it's the little things......


  1. Life is like a puzzle with one or more pieces missing...not perfect. Anonymous


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