Weekend Musings ~ Chill Pill or Meltdown? Both.

From The Tattooed Buddha via FB
The weekend started good. Early, on Friday, as it was a public holiday here.
I chilled. I ate, and chilled and ate and chilled.
It was a lovely relaxing day, even if I felt a little guilty for it.
Source - Purple Clover via FB
Then Saturday, yesterday, started out similar. Chill, but I did have to get some groceries, so knew I had to go to town. I struggled a bit with the decision to skip the beach workout, but ultimately the logic of avoiding hoards of campers won. Yes, camping on the beach Easter weekend is a big thing here.
No beach workout.
So just grocery store. Easy-peasey.
I had to get in before lunch, as I knew it would be crowded. So that is what I did.
As usual on an island the store was missing a few things on the list, but I knew I could get at the other store near my house. So after recovering from the morning chaos shopping, aka took Saturday's Chill Pill, I headed out in my old car.

I had just had the a/c fixed in that big boat of a car, paid a heap of good money so we had comfort on our Sunday drive to go to my MIL's to celebrate Easter. So because it was parked behind my new little Jetta, I decided to take it to the store. I drove, patiently waiting for the air to cool.
It never did.
Source - Buzzfeed on Pinterest
This would have been better than how the 'fixed' air conditioning was working!
Something then cracked in me. Something snapped.
I suddenly was SO angry, frustrated, not to mention hot!
So I get to the store, and park this long-ass-car in a spot, plenty of room on either side, in anticipation of difficulties in getting out of the parking spot, as parking spots here are a tad bit tiny for this car.

I had already called hubby to vent about the a/c not working. He calmed me a bit, saying we would have to take it back and have them fix it, no worries. Okay, fine. But they were gonna get an earful from me.

I had 3 things to get at this store. This store had NONE of these 3 things!!
Well, the Cadbury Caramel Eggs that they did have that hubby craved had all leaked in the display box, and were all stuck to the box, nasty! Can't get those. No local honey, all out. No olive spread they have had every other time I have been to this store!

Frustration increased to epic levels at this point.
I try deep breaths, I tried calling hubby again, hoping he could talk me down a bit saying it was okay that I couldn't get his Cadbury Caramel Eggs. But NO! NO CELL SERVICE IN THE STORE!? WTF.
Source - Quoteshumor,com via Pinterest
I was now past the point of no return. I was shaking, fighting back frustrated tears. I HAD to get out of there and get home. I had to bring something chocolate home, so Kit Kats and Lindor Dark Chocolate Truffles would be our Easter candy this year. I waited as patiently as I could in line, smiled at the cashier, after all none of this was her fault. I walked as calmly as I could to the car, knowing if I let myself go accidents would happen.

Calmly and slowly I back little by little out of the spot, and BEEP! I jumped, I could barely see that impatient car with the driver giving me dirty looks. Hey, I was going slow for a reason, knowing there could be a car coming, I did nothing fast or abrupt.
Source - via Pinterest
So with every ounce of effort not to lose it, I pulled back in and waited for him to pass, then I ever so slowing back up again, get far enough out and see another more patient car was waiting for me to pull out. I almost cried at this kind gesture. I was at a breaking point.

I drive out of the parking lot at a snails pace.  Tears finally came when I was on the road. Even typing this I am irritated with this display of yesterday. What happened to me? I broke. Over broken a/c and crappy selection at the store?

I could not help myself, so I just let it all out. That Saturday Chill Pill did not work.
Source - via Pinterest
So today, a new day. though I felt irritation at writing this, it has been a day of relaxation, rest, and making sure that chill pill works today. Thankfully, I DID get some chocolate at the store yesterday, and I even made brownies.

Source - via Jokido
I will be okay. I will get through this. The car repair shop may still hear some choice words, but that is for another day. Today, chocolate and a nice easy Easter dinner, we are going out. Hopefully a meltdown like yesterday will not happen again, still not sure what set me off. But there is always chocolate, right?


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