Music Monday! Who Let The Dogs Out?
After 2 full days of rain, it was good to have the sky not weeping, and to get out for a run! I walked up the hill to begin my run, I noticed a neighborhood family of dogs out for a walk. Now if you don't know, our puppy is afraid of other dogs, and this particular duo of dogs is a bit aggressive. I also was not in the mood to deal with the pulling of leashes, and the necessary pleasantries it would take to get by this gentleman and his two excitable dogs. So what did I do? I turned down the side street I usually avoid. Why do I avoid it? It is one long, sloping and fairly steep hill. Going down is no problem, but up...well I have never been able to run up the entire hill. After seeing the dogs, and not wanting to have to pass them, I decided today was HILL DAY. Today I would do it! On a Monday no less. All the while thinking... WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!?! woof woof woof woof........ I wish I could tell you I ran up the entire hill. I didn't. I almost made it...