Music Monday! The Universe Expanding and The Scale of the Universe
Whenever life gets you down Mrs. Brown, and things seem hard or tough, and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft, and you feel you've had quite enough.....just remember:
Anyhow, my son was right. 'Just calm down mom!' that he had to repeat about 5 times as I was getting more and more frustrated.
It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. We got our food, and even tho my thoughts kept going back to 'that was a friggin' long wait for mediocre food', our bellies got full and we all sat together as a family eating and talking. That was the big thing. Getting the food, not so much.
Whenever you think things small things matter, click here to remember just how we fit into the universe. It is a nice interactive model. Scroll in and out to see how complex, and simple, life can really be.
Don't sweat the small stuff. And don't get KFC next time.
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