Music Monday! Gangam Style

Thanks to my children and hubby who were discussing this when I got home from the grocery store today.
Don't ask I am sitting here listening to it they are 'gangam stylin' across the living room.
Making me laugh - and the dog go crazy, which makes me laugh even harder.

So - 

Heeeeeeeyyyyyy Sexy Lady! 

It's good to laugh on a Monday.

Now if we could get Dad to do it....that would be the best gut laugh ever!


  1. I had to go looking for this video a few weeks ago, because so many parodies were passing through my stream. Well, you can't enjoy a parody until you've seen the original. My first thought was "geesh, Koreans are weeeeeird"... but after a few viewings, watching PSY explain to Ellen and Brittany Spears how to do it, and immersing myself in the parodies (the Mitt Romney one is hilarious, IMO), I finally enjoy it.

    Then, about 2 weeks ago, I made Ian watch it. Mostly so he'd understand what everyone was talking about. And 2 days later, we watched an episode of South Park that made a Gangam reference. If he hadn't seen the video, there would have been a joke on South Park that he didn't get! Can't let that happen, ya know. LOL

    BTW, your blog doesn't look the same...

  2. that is too funny Sunfire!
    I had no idea what they were talking about either, then my daughter showed me the video. I knew it had to be the song for the day.
    The Mitt one is hysterical, saw that too! I haven't seen the South Park, yet. that show cracks me up too!

    yes, I keep changing the look of the blog, wanted to update it but still not happy with this. will experiment some more probably. I felt my old one was, well old. :)


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