Walking on Wednesday - Wall-E Wednesday

Back last year, I won a giveaway from Everyday Inspired, and in it was a magnetic dry erase board. For the past year, it has had a prime location on the fridge, where I would try to give my kids inspirational and motivational tidbits so they would start their day with positive thoughts, as to be out the door at 7am is a tough thing to do in a good mood.
Wall-E Wednesday - not sure who Mr. West is.

I guess my tidbits were getting a bit stale, because lately the kids have taken it upon themselves to put themed notes on it. I guess my day themed blog series have rubbed off on them. 

So for a change, I have taken their cues and let it motivate me! Today it is Wall-E Wednesday. What was Wall-E's purpose? To collect garbage. Well, today is as good a day as any to tackle the garbage, um I mean our collections of stuff, taking up main real estate in the basement. 

Pile of 'stuff'
right in the middle of the basement.

"Wall-E hubby" and I will be! Sorting, organizing, hopefully purging. The goal? to have the middle of the room clear, and to make it a workable studio space for clay and painting, and whatever other potentially messy creative endeavor comes along. 

Turtle Tuesday
Yesterday was Turtle Tuesday. That is just plain fun! I love the creativity of my kids. It so happens I sorted through my charms and buttons yesterday, in search of inspiration for my new section of Bracelet Cuffs, and what did I find? Turtle charms! So, on Turtle Tuesday, the Silver Turtle Toekini's came to fruition. 

Silver Turtle Toekini's
I guess I did need to get re-charged. The same old-same old wore me out. And my kids took over and brought me right out of the rut. I am back creating, the ideas are flowing, and I am finally (trying) to get organized. 

I am excited to see what tomorrow will be on the 'motivational board'. Maybe it will lead to a new Toekini, or Bracelet, or something entirely new! 

What do you think would be good motivation for Thursday?? Do you have a motivational board, or something like it too?  


  1. Love it, walle! What a great idea. I have to get one up on the fridge for the boys. Just cleaned and vacuumed the downstairs. I'm done. Tomoorw, it will be upstairs.
    Good luck in the basement!

  2. Too cute! Gotta love kids, a great source of inspiration! Hope your Wall-e Wednesday was productive!
    Love the Toekini's!

  3. thanks girls!
    I love to see the kids have fun at the board. They usually do if while doing the dishes (we don't have a dishwasher....) and I hear them all laughing from the living room. I love it.
    Sandra, you should definitely get one, they are so handy and fun.

    Wall-e Wednesday wasn't as productive down there as I had hoped, Michele. Today is another day tho, so we are heading back down there.

  4. I love that you turned your board into a inspirational board! It is very cool that your kids have joined in and inspired you as well.

    Good luck on your cleaning project, having a space dedicated to creating sound like it could be a very inspiring space.

    Everyday Inspired


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