Project Runway? NO - Project Quilting!

Kim's Crafty Apple

Do you like Project Runway? If you love it like me, then you will love this creative and challenging contest started at Kim's Crafty Apple - Project Quilting !  I think part of the reason I like quilting is that it is a huge challenge for me.  As I am fairly new to it, the challenge is in all parts of quilting - from conception, to technical skill, to determination to finish the daunting task.

Kim has taken her love of the challenge and created a Project Quilting, opened it up to any willing participant, and is letting us vote for the winner.  Every other Sunday, a challenge will be posted, and participants will have one week to finish the project and submit pictures, tell thier story of how they decided to solve the challenge.  Once the challenge entries are up voting will be open for a few days and hand-dyed fabric will be the prize!

I stumbled across this after the first challenge was completed and voting had started.  The first challenge was the Shoofly Challenge, where participants had to use the shoofly block  as inspiration, use mainly stock from their stashes of fabrics and materials because the budget was only $10.00, and had to use striped fabric in the finished piece, maximum size being 36 inches by 48 inches.

The results are just beautiful - I can't believe these were made in one week.  Check them out here and vote for your favorite. (There is even a prize being offered to us viewers and voters!!)

My favorites are:
I am really looking forward to following this creative group of quilters. I think it is motivating me to really get back to the 3 quilting projects I have now started. (!)  I may even join in one if I get really motivated!  I have talked about my quilting process here and here, and come to the conclusion that it is a somehwhat theraputic process - and I can always use some good therapy. :)
I am sure those of you with husbands, children, pets, slow computers, trouble with taking pictures, online stores that are not getting many sales, jobs that stink, deadlines, etc., know what I mean.....If you don't have your own therapy, try following this and get your mind off the stresses!


  1. It's always good to have a hobby or a project to do to take your mind off all the every day mundane necessities
    Looks like fun
    : )

  2. Project Runway is my FAVORITE show! I even watch the reruns. It is just so creative! I can't wait to check out Kim's Crafty Apple-Project Quilting...thanks for sharing this info!


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