Music Monday! Thank U

Not often enough do we say it.
I started this blog last night, thinking how thankful I am, despite the all the stresses and unknowns.
It was a very nice weekend, time spent with family relaxing and doing some fun stuff too, so this song seemed to be perfect. I WAS thankful, content.
But then, this morning - not enough sleep is never a good way to start the day - I could feel the grumpies set in. I was in a foul mood.
Then I remembered I was going to use this song.

At first, I thought - No way, this does NOT fit today at all.
I almost wrote it off completely, wasn't going to do a blog at all, but then I thought about the song.
The questions in it suggesting we just be thankful. Why not? How bout it?

How bout stopping eating when I'm full up

How bout me enjoying the moment for once

How bout remembering your divinity

Well, how bout pushing the grumpies right out?
How bout approaching the day with seeing things through eyes of gratitude instead of through the eyes of things not going according to my plan or how I thought they should go.
How bout just concentrating on the beautiful things, the things that make me happy, and not give merit to the things that were irritating me? Which this morning was nearly everything. Everything irrelevant to a happy life - like putting your dirty cups by the sink, and the napkins you use actually in the garbage, and the full dishwasher that needed to be emptied, and the fact that I got a little over 3 hours sleep and have to go grocery shopping later. Why were these things so irritating to me?
How bout being thankful?

These things are not things that sour our lives, at least they certainly don't have to.
Look at the day through grateful eyes and those little things mean, well, very little.

So I let go of the grumpies. Instead I concentrated on the wonderful things I do have.

And you know what? My day got a little more pleasant, I felt the grumpies float away. I could get through this day, and it will be great, especially if I remembered how thankful I should be, remembered all the little things that are actually pretty great, which honestly outnumber the things that are irritating. I gave more weight to the great little things than the irritating little things. I started finding the good in even less than good situations.

The moment I let go of it was the moment
I got more than I could handle
The moment I jumped off of it
Was the moment I touched down.

Thank you disillusionment
Thank you nothingness
Thank you clarity
Thank you, thank you silence.

Thank you Alanis, for reminding us to be thankful.


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