Walking on Wednesday ~ My 'Hood'
I love my neighborhood. Though I am sorry to say I missed my goal of walking each and every day since my birthday, I am still walking at least 5 days a week, and I still love seeing everything in my 'hood'. How about seeing some of the things in my own 'hood' today? I run into some beautiful nature, fine neighbors, and interesting things that make me appreciate where I am. Today I am bringing you into my 'hood'. This area is full of dog lovers. Dogs go with their families to eat, to festivals, and there is always someone walking a dog or a yard with a dog in it, whether you are downtown or here further in 'the country' as we are. Plus, there is a dog every other house here in my hood. Some houses have 2 dogs. They each greet us with their barks, scaring LadyJ, but I think they just mean to say hello. 'yang' 'yin' These 2 fine dogs, the 'yin' and 'yang' dogs of the 'hood', share the same house, ...