Time for our Body & Soul - a Giveaway just for you!

We often forget ourselves. 
Always busy working, creating, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, taking care of others, the list goes on....

But what about time for ourselves?
We always hear 
'make sure take time for youself'
'don't forget to take care of yourself'
'pamper yourself'
Lavender Seas Mud Mask

Who has time for that?
(See long 'to-do' list )

But really, it doesn't have to take a lot of time. 
A little pampering can go a long way. 
A quick spritz, a short application of lotion, using a special soap in the shower, slappin on a soft and luxurious lip balm. 
Personal Smelling Salts
Any one of these small actions will remind you 
- you are important - take care of yourself! 
Need some guidance? 
Becky from RWestDesigns is where to turn. 
She knows full well what it is like to be busy! 
Not only does she have a family, and some extra little ones to watch during the day, 
she runs the Sample Z Box
and keeps Facebook pages for both here and here
makes jewelry, video's, and is always promoting fellow creators.

has a mission:
To provide a quality product that will help you take care of your body and soul, through natural cleansing ingredients, and essential oil therapy. Just check out her reviews
and you will see the products speak for themselves.

There are natural soaps, body scrubs, body butters, bath & skin oils, hair oils, bath salts, aroma therapy blends, teas, room spritzers, and more!

Don't have time to shop? 
Don't know where to begin?
I hear ya!
So we are bringing some sample products 
right to you through a GIVEAWAY!
You can win this great sample bag!
What is in the bag?
Watch this great video Becky put together 
to explain all the goodies.

How can you WIN?
1. follow the Z Box Blog
3. comment here and tell us 
your favorite item from 

Do all three, and that is three entries. 
(Please mention in the comments each one, so all your entries can all be counted.) 
Giveaway will be running from today until next Friday, with the winner chosen April 1st - no fooling!
This is open to US and Canada residents.

Win this and pamper yourself 
to calm relaxation, 
if only for a moment.

If you can't wait, 
there are samples like this for sale in the shop, 
just click here
and your pampering will arrive in a few days.
Sample Bag

Remember, you can't take care of others 
if you don't take care of yourself.....


  1. Rebecca ~
    Awesome job on this! Thank you!

  2. WooHoo! I love Becky's shop! Great article, Rebecca!
    Completed the first and second requirements...now for the third! I like so many things in her shop...beer shampoo, lavendar/mint soap and more but here is my fav...smelling salts! http://www.zibbet.com/RWestDesigns/artwork?artworkId=323306

  3. How super is this giveaway!!! I already follow the Zbox blog :-)

  4. I follow Body & Soul on facebook too. :-)

  5. I haven't had the opportunity to try any of Becky's products yet... but totally looking forward to it. I want to try the Strawberries & Cream facial mask personally and I also want to get some of that Mechanic's Dream soap for Brad. There are actually quite a few products I would love to try actually. :-)

  6. I follow the Zbox Blog
    I follow Body and Soul on Facebook
    and I would LOVE to try everything lol, but I would have to say the Calendula Sunshine Glycerin Soap 2 oz bar sounds wonderful!
    Thanks so much for an opportunity at a chance for such a great giveaway!

  7. great video! and super give away Rebecca.
    I did step one and two.
    And my fav. would be the peppermint scrub for my poor little heels. So I can try out some toekinis soon!

  8. I am flowing the Zbox blog & B&S on Facebook. I have not tried any of her things ...yet... but I do really like the sounds of this body butter...


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a fun video and a great giveaway idea! Bravo Rebecca!
    * I'm following the Z Box
    * Following Body $ Soul on Facebook
    * Looked at your shop on Zibbet and like the 'Eye Pillows" with Lavender..hmmm feel relaxed already!

    Thanks for this adventure hunt ;)



  11. Love the peppermint scrub!!!!

  12. I say this all the time, I must take care of myself to take care of my family. LOL But I never do it! I followed the blog, was already following on facebook and my fav in her shop which is filled with wonderful items is the Calendula Sunshine Glycerin Soap! It just looks like it would smell great and feel so good.

  13. Raige and Rebecca - a superb blog/presentation! I love the fact that you are "stretching" yourselves with video marketing!
    Grandmother Carolyn

  14. I finished steps one and two and now this one...but I haven't used any of the products yet:( BUT, I'm on my way to place an order...it's a hard decision too...I want it all! I'm gonna limit myself to something to pamper my face with and a few bars of soap and the beer shampoo...can hardly wait to try them. Thank YOu for doing the AWESOME GiVeaWaY:D

  15. What a cool video! I follow Z Box

  16. Beer shampoo? Gotta try that!!!

  17. Already following ZBox blog!
    Couldn't believe I hadn't liked Becky's Facebook page, but it's done now!
    And I have the Cucumber and Green Tea Mask added to my favorites on Zibbet!

  18. "I enjoy your blog so much!
    You have beautiful pictures!"


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