Weekend Musings ~ Rain, Wind, and Toast. Deal with It.

 It had been raining for days and days....

Not that I was complaining. I love rainy days. And I don't mean a little rain and then back to normal sun. I mean grey, cool, rainy days. Whole days of clouds and rain. Days where you can just settle in and chill under a blanket. 

Sadly I had to drive in and home from work during most of these days. Forgetting my rain coat, many a trip from car to building and back. But I didn't mind, a bit refreshing actually. And there is a beauty in rainy days. 

Rainy View in Traffic

And going in to work gave me some break from the news. Today I can breathe a little easier though, knowing some dignity can be restored to the world. I try not to bring my political views in to my public postings, but dang am I glad to be rid of the current POTUS. That's all I have to say about that. 

From NOAA National Hurricane Center

From NOAA National Hurricane Center

Saturday brought some heavy winds, and loads of rain, from TS Eta. We weren't expecting too much, but the rain! So much. This fountain was empty before we started feeling effects of Eta. Swimming anyone? (um nope, frog poop and mosquitos are not good swimming buddies)

The roads were flooded too, and we couldn't go anywhere even if we wanted to. My little car would not make it through the depth of some of these puddles.

And apparently the wind got the best of some power lines and broke some poles, so we were without power most of the day. Slightly disappointing mainly because I wanted toast to go with the egg salad I made the day before. I decided I needed to eat the egg salad, with the fridge not cooling regularly I didn't want to mess with warm-ish mayo. But no power, no toaster. Egg salad on toast tastes so good, egg salad on soggy bread so NOT good! I may have been a little whiny.

Who needs a toaster? hubby asked. So I learned a tried and true method for toasting on a gas stove, apparently an old Island trick for frequent power outages. Of course, you have to have a gas stove, which is truly the smartest thing to have when power outages are frequent. 

Toasting over fire....you have to watch it closely.....

I only burned the middle of one slice. But it sure was good. Tastes better I think without the toaster, but that could be the taste of satisfaction at success. That usually does taste pretty good.  

The wind and rain plagued us most of the day. (see pic of full fountain above) The power came back on after 4pm, so I could make the pizza we had been planning, without candle light and a lighter to light the stove and oven. 

Pizza for Two - half cheese have no cheese

The best kitchen gadget investment I have made is a pizza stone. Absolutely love it. It is so worth making pizzas at home with one of these. You just can't buy a pizza like it from a delivery place. This pizza had prosciutto (I splurged on this, why not?), portabella mushrooms, onions, capers, and Kalamata olives. I can eat cheese, hubby cannot, thus the chunks of mozzarella on one side. Shredded cheese is nowhere near as good as these globs. Besides, it is easier to ensure no stray cheese will get on the 'no cheese' side. Perfect for a Pizza for Two.

I know what you are saying...Wow you are really putting the effort in on your meals these days! 

I know! I can hardly believe it myself! Don't worry, it won't last. The work week will start and I will be back to the usual 'Cereal it is for dinner' or 'I am not hungry for dinner, you?' or 'Do you still want Popeye's?' (that was Friday's question as I was driving home from work.)

But you know, it is all okay. 

  • I have stopped worrying so much about dinners. I can always pick something up, or we have breakfast for dinner, or just snack. As long as the hangry doesn't come out, we are good. 
  • I worried mildly about the storm. After all, we have a strong roof over our heads (and we are renting...) and I had stocked the fridge and a good storm survival kit. 
  • The issues that pop up at work, I remind myself to handle calmly and strongly. Though sometimes I do have to take a step back and work at it. As long as I remember to take a step back.
  • Traffic, while frustrating, allows me to listen to music I haven't heard in years! 

You see, there is always as way to deal with the difficulties, go with the flow, make the best of the situation. Is it age that has mellowed me? Perhaps. Or, perhaps I am so tired of the stresses, the worries. I am tired of getting mad. I am tired of beating myself up. I have flaws, I have made mistakes, I have overreacted and said things I shouldn't have. 

But now, I can make toast without a toaster! Dammit I can make it through this without being a stressed out, miserable, unhappy person. I can take it and turn it around and deal with it all. Heck, there is now a woman as Vice President! (Sorry, couldn't let politics go without saying how awesome that is!)

If she can do that, still smiling, I can surely get through a stressful week without being miserable.

The Gardenia - a flower of peace and harmony

Plus, I do have the flower of peace and harmony greet me daily as I get in and out of the car. This beautiful bush is almost constantly in bloom, and smells so lovely, and is right next to the driveway so I see it every day. It is hard to stay mad or stressed after you have caught a whiff of its fine fragrance, and the flowers are so cool looking. This is a hybrid Gardenia. So cool, especially with some raindrops on it. (see above for thoughts on rainy days)

Honestly, it is so much better NOT being angry, stressed, frustrated. We need to use that energy for better things. Like sleep, for instance.

I slept so much yesterday, with the power out, after leaving the stresses of miserable staff at work and traffic, leaving the stress of food, and wind, and not worry about the power outages. I slept so relaxed and soundly, hubby asked if I was dead, as he was trying to rouse me.

Today, I am happy musing, as much to myself as writing here to share. I have to remind myself sometimes of these musings, or else I will get caught up in the dramas of life and feel the anger, frustration, the stress.

I have to deal with it, people. It won't deal with itself. And results will be unappealing if we don't deal with it. Like a soggy bread egg salad sandwich. Yuck.

And maybe sharing will help y'all. 'Cause the less angry stressed frustrated people there are out there, the better. 

Make toast without a damn toaster. Through wind, rain, and soggy bread, deal with it. 


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