Friday Find ~ Time Travel ~ Sort Of

We all wait for it, especially those of us who had to go back to 9-5 jobs.
This has been a particularly long week. 

Our office recently moved in to a new building, thus a new floor plan. Gone is my office, and I am back to cubicle working.

In other words, every 15 minutes I have some paper pusher coming to my desk and hovering until I notice they are there. Even hovering while I am on the phone. Or obviously busy doing something for the paper pusher who is still standing there ahead of them. 

So much so a co-worker who was waiting on me to sign a check told one aggressive hovering office space invader : 'Give her a minute she is doing something'. 

This particular week, for whatever reason, was chock full of hovering office space invaders and paper pushers. Constantly interrupting me. Add the phone that seldom rings suddenly was ringing far too much - some cubiclists decided to stay at their desks and call me instead. 

Dare I say, I was at a breaking point. 
So this morning I decided to take the afternoon off, and chill with hubby. We had some errands to run, things to do, but made it home long before my normal work day would have ended.
And what did we do? Basically nothing.
He is playing video games and I am scrolling are the inter-web, and obviously blogging. I put on some great old 'new wave' or 'synth-rock' or whatever you call it - music - like New Order, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, The Cure, (even Echo and the Bunnymen!) etc. And we totally are chillen in a darkened living room. Just like one should do when listeneing to this type of music. 

Perhaps some would call this 'unwinding'. I call it living like we were back 'bak in the day' ~ before the troubles of the daily grind, and life in this day and age, totally winds us up. I found a way to travel through time, sort of. And yes, it is a great way to unwind. 

We both sunk in to our own little worlds, listening to music that makes you sit back, relax, and inevitably think about simpler times. We  laugh some, getting a kick out of songs we haven't heard in about 25 years, re-living some of our great memories, times we heard these songs together, or even before we met. 

And then we will order Chinese take-out. Since we are now 'emtpy nesters' it is just me and him, with music we used to listen to 'back in the day' and kicking back with Take-Out. Kinda feels a little like we are in college again. So this Friday afternoon, I feel a little like we travelled through time. Young again!

Until about 9pm or so, when we both will fall asleep on the couch after watching the news on YouTube and then drifting off while watching something on Netflix. Then, we will realize we are old and too cheap to pay for cable so we have to rely on streaming internet. This is not the 80's or 90's anymore my dear greybeards and slightly-older-than-middle-aged moms.

(I did try to find a nice slang word for middle aged mom's but there really is no nice one....and a big thanks to for all the really great slangs I injected in to this post! I myself am not that hip and with it, had to look it up on that inter-web....)

It is not the 80's or 90's, but that little time travel is just the way to end a long, difficult week.
And really we do have a lot to look forward to. We do still dream. We will be reading those Fortune Cookies. But that, my friends, is a different day's blog. 
Happy Weekend!


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