It used to be the norm. Change of season = Onset of the Common Cold . But now that my kids are older, well not even kids anymore, we don't get sick regularly anymore. I love this aspect of children growing older, by the way. click for source Used to be me and the boys got strep throat ever few months when they were little. They were prone to it and without fail every time they got it, I got it. Hubby and daughter didn't seem to be affected, but me and the boys - every damn time. And the colds, we got those every other month! Kids in school = Colds every other month. And I don't even want to tell the story of that stomach flu they brought home from school. Let's not go there. (Besides that it hit every one of us 5 days before Christmas the one year that I was hosting a huge, like 20 people over, family Christmas. That goes in the books as THE WORST .) As they kids grew and went off to college, we noticed seasonal colds, flus, sore throats, etc virtually wer...