
Showing posts from May, 2011

Music Monday! Two for Tuesday!! Purple Haze, there must be some way out of here....

Perfect for this Two for Tuesday, since Benedryl left me in a HAZE for 2 days! (and well, I like purple) I found myself this morning desperate to find some way out of that dreamy, cloudy feeling. I now remember why I stopped taking the stuff. It went a little like this today: Wake up, take Benedryl, sit at computer, doze off, fall into heavy dreaming sleep, wake up, try to figure out if this is still a dream , have nagging feeling I need to do something, but can't remember what, and know I am unprepared for it. Resolve to get back to work, sit at computer, doze off again, dream I volunteered to speak in front of my high school children's class, about what I do. In dream, I am late, and reconsider that high school children will want to learn how to crochet, or even care, get interrupted so I am even later . Wake up, still feeling like I am in a dream, wondering what it is I am supposed to be doing that i just can't remember. I can't get my head out of that dream feelin...

How did I Miss THIS??

Look what I just found out I can do! I found it in the Zibbet Community ,  on my page , hovering over the slideshow there, there is a 'share' button. You can copy the embed code and paste it...wherever! So, here is a slideshow of  Raige Creations & Vintage Raige items! Find more photos like this on Zibbet's Community I can embed it here, or  on the sidebar too.  And how about this for an idea??? Bring laptop to show  (make sure battery is full)  set slideshow to full screen,  and Voila!  Your potential customers  can see all of your works and items. No need for fancy programs  installed on your computer, no need for electricity either! Just a long battery life..... I love it!!  This is an awesome tool for us Zibbeters .  Why did it take me so long to find??? I know, I am too busy blabbing in the forums .  What other tools are out there that I have missed? Post a comment, and let's see what other goodies are ...

Music Monday! Today I don't feel like doing anything....

That is exactly how I feel today. After a crazy full weekend, After a crazy full week last week, After our out of town visitors left  after being here 2 weeks . My allergies are bad , again today,  and from all the reports  will not be any better  for the rest of the week . And also, the show I worked so hard to prep for,  was a lot of work  for a few little sales . So today, I don't feel like doing anything. I am sure you all have days like that too. Days where your get up and go   already got up and went . Days where you just want to stay in your bed . Days where you don't want to comb your hair , 'Cause you ain't gonna go nowhere . So kick your feet up and stare at the fan , Turn the TV on ,  and throw your hand down your pants .... ( it's in the lyrics folks! ) and enjoy this fun song,  The Lazy Song , by Bruno Mars . The monkeys made me giggle all through the video.

Walking on Wednesday - Walk of Innocence

This is the best walk to witness. When you can enjoy the unplanned aimless  wanderings of adorable children. Marveling at the simple ,  but ever so touching gesture  of a handful of dandelions . And it is even better to see the smiling , and inquisitive  glances of one who has yet to walk . Not to mention  they are wearing  my all time favorite   Toekini's. Thanks to Norma of Texas Eagle Gallery for the request to create these one of a kind Toekini's and for sharing her beautiful grand daughters wearing them.

Music Monday! Closing Time

It's late,  near pumpkin time for me. (I turn into a pumpkin around 10pm these days) But still Monday, so here is Music!! Hubby suggested this song,  giving me a bit of computer time  while I wait for my laptop to be fixed. (needed a new hard drive) A good one to end the night with by Semisonic . One last call for alcohol So finish your whiskey or beer ... You don't have to go home But you can't stay here ... So gather up your jackets Move it to the exits I hope you have found a friend  " Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end " 

Music Monday! Two for Tuesday!! Like A Surgeon, Bob.

Last week was a rough week.  You may have noticed  I did not post the usual Music Monday!   or the Walking on Wednesday series.  Reasons for this include, but are not limited to:  broken bones , surgery ,  crashed computer ,  dryer vent full of water ,  and allergies . Trying to get back to normalcy ,  I bring you Two for Tuesday!!   It seemed fitting to feature Weird Al ,  as the past week has been nothing short of  weird, stressful ,  tiresome, and frustrating .  I was in need of a good laugh ,  and so was hubby and rest of family.  Weird Al   is always good for some stress relief through laughter . S tart with Monday last week.  Our daughter broke her finger, looking similar to the x-ray here. The urgent care facility  barely wanted to wrap it due to the severity of it.  It was 30% displaced ,  and a hand specialist determined  surgery was the only course  to f...