Music Monday! Two for Tuesday!! Purple Haze, there must be some way out of here....
Perfect for this Two for Tuesday, since Benedryl left me in a HAZE for 2 days! (and well, I like purple) I found myself this morning desperate to find some way out of that dreamy, cloudy feeling. I now remember why I stopped taking the stuff. It went a little like this today: Wake up, take Benedryl, sit at computer, doze off, fall into heavy dreaming sleep, wake up, try to figure out if this is still a dream , have nagging feeling I need to do something, but can't remember what, and know I am unprepared for it. Resolve to get back to work, sit at computer, doze off again, dream I volunteered to speak in front of my high school children's class, about what I do. In dream, I am late, and reconsider that high school children will want to learn how to crochet, or even care, get interrupted so I am even later . Wake up, still feeling like I am in a dream, wondering what it is I am supposed to be doing that i just can't remember. I can't get my head out of that dream feelin...