
Weekend Musings ~ Bus Bench and Other Neighborhood Curiosities

We have a nice neighborhood to walk in. We can walk down the street, along the river, then walk up a bit of a hefty hill to get back to our place. A nice rectangular walk that includes all sorts of interesting things.  One day, it was the bus stop bench. It has a a great rusty look, right next to the River Walk path.  We have seen clothes left there, food, the usual garbage. This day (being from about 2 months ago - still no sign of Spring), a most interesting piece of what I would call garbage was here, but I would bet that someone will pick this up and do something with it.  Our neighborhood has a great bunch of landowners who have all kinds of interesting bits in their yards. They also add beautiful things to their porches, and even garages! I would love to see this interesting thing left on the porch bench appear creatively in someone's yard. I am not sure what it came from, but I bet it could be used for something interesting. The last time we went by, this piec...

Weekend Musings ~ A Great Fire

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.  Ann Landers Read more at When you get to enjoy a lovely fire, do it. A little nice music helps too. 

Weekend Musings ~ Will Walk for Bread

Back in the mountains, I love it. I forgot how lovely the summer is here, and finally the weather is gorgeous. The flowers are out and everything is green. Wildflowers My musing this weekend are as simple as enjoying two of my favorite things:  Walking and  Bread It has been tough for me to let myself take the time to get a few walks in ~ yes I was too busy to get walks in and I know that is just an excuse but sometimes you just gotta take a break. From everything.  And any more than that, I just do not want to dwell on. Also, I am not feeling too wordy today, so will just let the pictures speak for me. The road to the RAD and the bakery nestled in the district with the bread (no beer for me)  A river crossing - it sure did look muddy today probably from the recent rains. Bread and soft pretzel - yumminess. River crossing heading home - lovely even if still muddy. At some point, we may be those paddle boarders in the river, if you look close enough they are ...

Music Monday! Lavender

Lavender, one of my favorite scents and it's color one of my favorites too. I tried the lavender diffuser for relaxation, the lavender soap before bed to sleep more soundly. It obviously didn't work on me, as I had to (finally) see my doc about my new and exciting anxiety and loss of the ability to sleep soundly. Nights had been keeping me up. Still, all that lavender and his suggested medication was not quite enough. However, the past couple weeks I have finally let myself relax. Turns out removing yourself from a toxic environment and exploring another path that seems so much better for me is the trick. It has been challenging, yes. But challenging in an exciting and positive way. And in the evenings I have been relaxing, finally. One evening, sitting just listening to music, I was in such a relaxed state. I was in that in-between state of awake and sleep. It had been a long time since I just relaxed, enjoyed chilling to music. So relaxed, dozing off. Then I heard this song. ...

Weekend Musings ~Buddies are the Best

 I can hardly believe how long it has been since I added to my blog. I often open a tab, create a new post, and watch the blinking cursor tempting me to type something. But it blinks in vain. I sit there, my mind blank. Mind you, it is not blank any other time. In fact, I have written many a great post in my head while laying in bed at 1am or 2am, after a 2 or 3 hour nap on the couch. But the minute the cursor blinks, great words and ideas disappear. I wrote this blog many months ago, but never thought it was quite ready to post. Plus, I had to ask my friend if I could post her picture. We had both been so busy we didn't get to talking about that, or even swimming much. But here this is, I am sharing now because I finally asked and she said sure! The sad part is, we were chatting because she is moving away. And I said, " NO!!! - What will I do without my Swim Buddy!?!? Oh, by the way I have this blog....." So much like the original night I wrote this , I am sitting here o...

Music Monday ~ Wild Gilbert

Well, it seems the best laid plans of mice and men  are in play here. We are weathering a storm just 2 days days before a planned trip to a wonderful mountain retreat for a wedding. A wedding we CANNOT MISS - it is our daughters wedding!  Despite my huge effort to travel BEFORE the storm (see above - daughter's wedding I CANNOT MISS), an argument with the poor airline customer service rep, and hours on the phone, we are stuck here with a storm,  now named IAN , I had just finally convinced the airline to waive the change fees and fare difference exorbitant price, as at the time there were no warnings yet, it was all for nothings as just then we found out the last seat was taken. No more empty seats before the storm was due to arrive. At some point, between closing hurricane shutters and filling water vessels, hubby shared this gem of a song with me. Hurricane Gilbert hit Jamaica in 1988. I don't mean clipped, I mean went across the entire country from one end to the oth...

Weekend Musings ~ The Universe Spoke, I Must Write a Letter

When the Universe speaks, we should listen. We certainly don't want to risk ignoring it, right? Okay, well maybe it was just the ceiling fan, and my over stuffed drawer. Either way, I got the message and I listened and did what was suggested.  I was looking for something in one of my junk drawers. Well, not junk, but a drawer where things get thrown to hide if the maid is coming to clean. Mostly it has jewelry, my jewelry cleaning cloths, miscellaneous things I didn't know what to do with and needed to hide.  Somehow, this box of stationary had been in there for donkey years. Mind you, donkey years here is a few years, 4 maybe that we have been in this house. Not sure, but for all I know this box could have been tossed here when we moved in and there it has been ever since. But, this box itself is truly from donkey years ago, probably from 70 years ago. I opened the drawer, and the box got stuck so I couldn't fully open the drawer, and the lid came off, and then I struggled...