
Showing posts from March, 2019

Thursday Thought of the Day ~ It's A Beautiful Day To Leave Me Alone

I can be friendly and outgoing. I sometimes thoroughly enjoy conversations with strangers. Sometimes I keep my head down and try to avoid any conversations with strangers at all. I have even been known to be frowning in the grocery store to avoid someone saying something to me. Other women seem to regularly strike up conversations with me in the grocery store...I think the place I live is just filled with friendly people, or do other people regularly strike up conversations with strangers about what is on the shelves in the grocery store? Or it could be that they are interpreting me talking to myself as me trying to strike up conversation with them. That could be it. But many a conversation has happened, about beans, ground lamb, chips, produce the most. from buy here Another time, we actually had someone ask my hubby if he was Mormon in a home improvment store. We were chatting about gardening and garden lights, and she was very nice, but you could t...

Music Monday! Rush - The Garden - For My Brother

My Bro - he never stopped ROCKIN' You can't mention the band Rush without me thinking of my older brother. I would have never heard Rush if it hadn't been for my brother. I didn't listen to that type of music usually. But at home, it was all we heard from behind his closed door. " The musicians band ", as I was told it was, I learned through my brother, and I learned to really enjoy actually. Well that, and Led Zeppelin , Yes , Deep Purple , Boston , Black Sabbath etc. A far cry from the pop music a young tween girl normally listens to.  I think of hearing music blasting from his bedroom when we were younger, door always closed, stereo always very loud. So loud it was like the door wasn't closed at all. It was the 80's, so all played on an old fashioned turn table and massive speakers that nearly took up his entire room. And I certainly didn't appreciate it then, but honestly, I did learn a lot about music from my brother. Even if he ...

A Lizard, An Old Arnold, and A Cool Ride ~ Weekend Musings

I got this idea in my head. I thought I should try to find one cool thing a day, or write what I am grateful for each day. So I started snapping pictures. Random, things I thought were cool or interesting. Because life has always got interesting things happening if we just take notice. This week, a list of random things that caught my eye. I found a lizard living in a little plastic guy we found on the side of the road. The plastic guy sustained an injury getting blown off the porch rail, but it seems to have worked out because now he is open for business as a Hotel for Lizards . See this little lizard hanging out on the 'arm porch'?  Great for taking in the scenery. Then the lizard just turns around and goes up inside the head when he ready for sleep, or hiding. Lizard Hotel We were visited by this great Old Arnold bird, what they are called here. They are in the cuckoo family of birds , and make the coolest sounds. Perhaps named after an area of the island, or ...

Thursday's Thought of the Day ~ the most important decision

It can be a tough decision.  We can so easily be pulled out of a good mood, right? But decide, and stick with it. Decide to be in a good mood. I believe you find it is worth it.