A Sad Halloween ~ End of 2013 NaBloWriMo

Bones sez Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween!

It is a sad one for me today, as it marks the last day of NaBloWriMo 2013And yes, it's Halloween, but we really don't celebrate that much anymore.

For one, I have no candy for trick-or-treaters (we don't get any because of our long, beautiful yet potentially creepy even on a normal day, driveway).

Second, my teens don't dress up for Halloween anymore (well, except my daughter who gets to dress as a literary character in AP English class - she is Elizabeth from Frankenstein, but I won't get to see her in costume!) 

The most I do for Halloween is hang up my dear old friend Bones. He was an excellent Toekini model, but lately he just hangs around.

I have really enjoyed this year's NaBloWriMo. I made some good new blogging friends, and my passion for blogging is even stronger now. I am sad in a way that it is done for this year. Also, I suddenly have a desire to make more Toekini's!

How different a world that we consider people we only type to as friends, but it is true. I have made some great connections, and met online people I consider good friends.

So, my online friends, what are YOU doing this Halloween? Dressing up? Handing out candy? Turning off your lights and hiding? 

Me? I am updating my resume, which is really scary. (I am needing a job my friends, at least until my writing is enough to help with the bills, so if you know of any, let me know!) 

I will be having tea, and making spaghetti...err intestines und blood my little pretties.....um I mean dinner. Maybe I will make some new Toekini's, and I will definitely be blogging some more. (perhaps NaBloPoMo ???)

If you are dressing up, share where to find your pics, I love seeing great Halloween costumes! Have spooktacular day, and evening.


  1. I am so impressed you did NaNoBloMo! I haven't yet worked up the mettle it takes to power through that challenge. This year for Halloween, I'm getting my kiddo into bed early (she's still a little too young for trick-or-treating) and then bingeing on scary movies. Good times!

  2. Anyone who attempts NaBloWriMo is bad ass in my book. Congrats to you! Hopefully that sense of accomplishment will help temper the sadness that came with today as well. Glad you joined the blog hop! Happy writing!

  3. Emily, I actually am not a huge horror movie fan. My daughter is, but tonight we are just watching dad play video games and doing homework. (yes, I guess this is my homework, lol)
    Hope you don't have nightmares.

    Kelly, thank you for stopping by! I guess bad ass is one word for it...I just signed up for NaBloPoMo on Blogher.com, so another month of writing and posting every day. I am starting to think it should be crazy ass instead of badass. Thanks for the 'Remember the Time' inspiration! It is a great way to spark writing.

    let's keep in touch!

  4. "How different a world that we consider people we only type to as friends..."

    That's right, it is strange! I think sometimes it's easier for those of us who are shy about talking to people we don't know (don't know about you but that's how I am) to make connections. It's all 'hanging out there" so to speak so we can see if there's any similarities/connection right of the bat. :)

    Way to go on completing the challenge and wow on signing up for NaBloPoMo!

  5. My daughter dressed up to hand out the candy...saw some really cute costumes this year. I keep a crock pot of chili simmering so we can eat whenever we get the opportunity. I even texted with son who is several hours away to see how his evening with the beggars was going...and today, I feast on leftover sweets! Oh, why do I buy so much candy?? (Don't answer that...it's rhetorical).
    Good luck with the job search!

  6. Thank you Dakota! It was a challenge but since I am taking seriously my attempt to be a better writer, and someday earn something for it, I took another plunge. Someday...I will write something to get paid for. ;)

    Oh to feast on leftover sweets. Wish I had some. :( But I DO have ice cream....ut oh.

    thanks everyone for commenting. I love hearing from you.


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