Friday Find ~ I found my Kindle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We all have our 'I can't remember where I put that' moments.

I have them more regularly than I like. I get teased relentlessly for it. You might remember if you follow me on Facebook, that I went searching for my Kindle, with no success.
Many, many months ago I misplaced my Kindle. I searched high, low, in between. I looked everywhere I thought I would put it, safely. I looked everywhere I thought I would put it that made no sense. I looked under the couch (found far too many hairballs), under the bed (found some socks), cleaned out my closet (where I found far too many clothes that I don't wear anymore). No luck.
I was teased, lectured, and felt completely terrible, like an idiot. I could not for the life of me remember where I put it, but I KNEW it was in the house, somewhere. I just could not for the life of me remember!
We STILL have boxes that
were't unpacked from
out last move.

photo courtesy of
Raige Creations

I had resigned myself to believing I would find it when we packed to move again, the only time when I would put my hands on every single thing in the house, carefully organizing and wrapping, if I decided it was worth taking, and put in a box. I believed that this would be the only time I would have time to launch a search that was needed to find my poor, misplaced Kindle. 
But as it turns out, organizing came sooner than I thought. We were preparing the downstairs studio to be a comfortable place to create and hang out, not the catch-all for stuff we didn't know what to do with, didn't have space for upstairs, etc. 

The future studio! Getting there, but still work to do.
photo courtesy of Raige Creations
I started to move collections of 'art materials', papers that I had to deal with, and even a box of towels (don't ask). I cleared off furniture that will someday (SOON!) make its way up to replace the dining room set I currently have. 

Mystery Bag, still don't know why
all these things were together.....

photo courtesy of Raige Creations
I had to pick up a bag I didn't remember placing downstairs. It had a doll and some doll clothes in it, our old telephones (from 8 years ago...yes I still have them....artist husband who wanted me to save them for 'materials for a project he wants to do'. Oh, that explains the doll and doll clothes too). It also HAD MY KINDLE IN IT TOO! Why they all were together I still can't remember......

I picked up the Kindle, and carried it around with me while moving other boxes, organizing pile of things. I didn't put that thing down until I plugged it in, in a very visible location. It charged, and I turned it on, and immediately bought a book.
The Kindle and the Cozy Quilt.
photo courtesy of Raige Creations
I haven't had much time to read it, but I have so enjoyed reading it on the couch while the family plays video games, and have joyfully fallen asleep with it several times. Oh how I missed it.

It has interrupted the purging and organizing downstairs slightly. The furniture I mentioned needs a quick sanding as well, which I am working up the motivation to tackle. PLUS I have to sell my current dining set. There seem to be many excuses why the downstairs project has taken a mini-vacation, but we will get there. 

Ready for New Books!
photo courtesy of Raige Creations
Now that I have my Kindle back (just in time for winter by the way. cuddling under the quilt, reading...ahhhhh), I can search for some good books, and get even more motivation for writing.

So, now is the time to tell me some of your favorite authors, books, etc. I am ready to add to my collection of good reads. Comment away!


  1. If you like cats, you might be interested in "Catwak A Feline Odyssey", the story of a young comfort-loving #cat who finds herself adrift in a big, impersonal, sometimes hostile world. It's only $2.99 at

  2. I am more of a dog person, but we do have a cat, and cats' personalities crack me up.
    I just may check that one out for a fun read. THANK YOU!

  3. love my kindle! Truth is, I love the feel of a real book better, but kindles suit busy lifestyles; tuck in purse, and easy to hold in one hand.

  4. Easy to hold in bed too, Sandra. ;)
    When I first went searching, that is where I thought it was, somewhere around, under, in, my bed. But no.
    Next time though, it might be.


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