Walking on Wednesday ~ The Space of Your Dreams ~ NaBloPoMo Prompt

My Current Dream Writing Space
photo: Raige Creations
Someday, my Actual Writing Space and my Dream Writing Space will be the same.

For now, I mostly sit at my dining room table, which is not what's in the first picture here, by the way. That is my kitchen table, with a nice view, plenty of light, more comfortable chairs. My Current Dream Writing Space.

My Actual Writing Space is my dining table, and it is basically in the living room (it wouldn't fit in the kitchen). The living room is on the side of the house that doesn't get sunlight, so it is very dark and the lamps don't really help that much.

My Actual Writing Space
(dining set IS for sale.....
as soon as we can move it out of there.....)
photo: Raige Creations
It is also where after a couple hours my back starts to hurt, because my my feet don't touch the floor when sitting on the dining room chairs because I have short legs. This strains my lower back so I can hardly sit, and basically makes me not want to work.

It is also happens to be where my family hangs out most of the time, the couch and TV just to the left. 

Though I like to think my real Dream Writing Place is off on a beach somewhere alone, I find I always wander back to this dining room table. (which we ARE trying to sell to downsize...to much furniture, but that is another story.....)

I find I suffer through the back pain and dark cave-like space so that I am not removed from the activity of the ones I love to be around. Even the kitchen is sometimes a bit far removed.

Occasionally, I DO move my laptop, music, and everything to the kitchen and set up there. I put on mu fuzzy socks, and get to writing. It is bright, I get a nice view of nature, and I actually get a lot done. 
My Fuzzy Socks Make Writing More Cozy
photo: Raige Creations
But eventually I get tired of being out of the action, so far removed,  (being so close to our parrots gets old too, but that is another story) and back to the dining table I go.

In the end, it really doesn't matter where I write. The important thing is that I get to write. I am living the dream no matter where I am. I get to write, share my silly thoughts and inspirations. Now, if I could make a living doing it, then I would have to pinch myself.

If I could make a living doing it, then I could really get my dream writing space. Like here for instance.
Little Cayman Writing Space
photo: Paradise Villas

And I will trade in my car for this.
Island Transportation
photo: Cayman Islands on Pinterest

If I could just figure out how to get paid for writing, I will truly be living the dream.

What does your dream writing or creating space look like? Are you living the dream by making a living writing, or creating? Share here, your success is our inspiration!


  1. I like your kitchen writing space next to the window. That journal is very pretty too. Glad I found you on BlogHer :)

  2. I would prefer to be in your kitchen with your beautiful view is full of inspiration.
    I love your dream writing space too. If you figure out how to get paid to write, please let me know. :)

  3. *laugh * I am right there with you. I have dreams of a tidy, quiet space to create. Somehow I always end up using the kitchen table or (right now) a closet to try and fit in just a little time and space for myself!

  4. Bella, the space by the window might be a bit better without the birds, but it is what it is. thanks for stopping by!

    Debra, come on over! The more the merrier, and I would gladly replace the birds with you. ;) As soon as I know how to get paid, you can be sure I will share. I have been working at it, so hopefully it will be soon.
    thanks for your comment.


  5. My dream writing space is sitting next to a lake. On the few occasions I have fulfilled my dream, I find I am more creative and the words and ideas are endless. Until my dream of living on a lake becomes reality, my kitchen table will have to do :)


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