Music Monday! Wake Me Up

Yes, please. Someone Wake Me Up

I can't believe how much I slept all weekend. Naps were frequent, if short, and actually I loved being so lazy ~ at first. 

But I knew things had gone too far when I actually contemplated going to pick up the pizza in my pajamas.

I had been in pajamas all weekend actually. Well, not the same ones, I did shower Saturday, but put on new pajamas. So Sunday night, when I actually considered going out in my PJ's, I knew something was off.

This morning, I was well on my way to another day of PJ's and couch time, dozing off at 8:30am! What the heck is wrong with me? (I like to blame an evil couch, it has this effect on many that come to our house.) I knew this rabbit hole I was going down was not going to be full of adventure, it very well could become a downward spiral.

I had to brake the cycle! I decided against a run (again - been several days now, but that is another thing that is 'off', still figuring that out). I showered and went grocery shopping instead. THAT will wake you up! Monday before Thanksgiving at the grocery store. Never again, but at least I accomplished something today.

I heard this song on the radio, and it was the only one I could connect to today. The lyrics are great, it is an upbeat song, a good collaboration

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

photo: Raige Creations
So I got through the day, I have a list of things to get done, and I can actually cross off a few! I believe this difficult time will pass, soon. The money stresses will ease, my path will show itself, I will not have to wonder, wait, or question every move I make. 

I may be lost a little right now, but at least I am on the journey. I don't know where it will end, but I have a house full of groceries, and I may find myself in jammies much of the upcoming holiday, But my eyes will be open.

I love when a song can help me get through, and help bring me out of a funk. What song has helped you get out of a rut?


  1. Usually just listening to anything by Karen Carpenter or Norah Jones helps me out :)

  2. I like Karen Carpenter when I am cooking for some strange reason. It makes me want to put on an apron....


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