Music Monday! Sing Along with Yellow Ledbetter

I love to sing to songs.
In the the car....even a little bit when I am on my walks with my headphones on.
(I sometimes even look around to make sure no one can hear me....sometimes.....)

When this classic Pearl Jam song came on the radio one day when I was in the car with my son driving, I said, "Oh Pearl Jam, I like this song!"
And because he was driving I could sing along with even more focus and enthusiasm!

When it started, I quickly remembered that THIS was the song that was THE WORST mumbling that Eddie Vedder did. (He did mumble regularly, and at the same time became known for his distinctive and powerful vocals....)
I garbled through the song, belting out whatever I thought he was saying, mostly making up the words really. After a short time, I thought it best to hum, and my son wholeheartedly agreed.

Imaging then, when I found the video with the lyrics! I could sing right along!! Join me, sing along!!

No, these words aren't really what Mr. Vedder was trying to say, although it sure sounds spot on. "Make me fries...."

As a bonus for this Monday, I am including that here, so you can see what he is really saying...well so 'they' say anyways.....and sing along with the correct lyrics. Sadly, they don't make much more sense...
(I usually save 2 videos for Two for Tuesdays when I miss Music Monday, but today, you get two. Happy Day After Mother's Day!)

Don't forget to sing daily, it is good for you, correct lyrics or not.
What is your favorite song to sing along with?


  1. Heheh, I think my worst case of misheard lyrics ever is "Pumped up Kicks," I could only ever hear "all the other kids with the pumped up kicks," clearly, so I had this entire song in my mind dealing with high school and being cool... and... yeah. It was bad! I love singing along and will sometimes play specific songs on youtube when no one else is around so I can belt it out!

    1. hahaha, I had the same problem with that song, Dakota!!
      Still, I sang along tho.
      And, the older I get the less I care about who is around to hear.
      Sad, but true.
      Sing on!


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