Endings ~ Last Day of NabloPoMo

source: Pinterest
NaBloPoMo didn't end the way I anticipated. I didn't even post the very last day! 

I thought I would write a brilliant post about what I learned, how it helped me grow, how it made writing a part of my habits, blah blah blah.

Instead, I sat in front of a blank screen yesterday morning with nothing brilliant to say. Then, I got distracted with the day grocery shopping and then making meatloaf and then my daughter needed my computer to finish her essays for scholarships so I puttered around the house and then I got into reading a book I downloaded months ago and never read and before I knew it I was heading to bed at almost 2am! No blog done.

And you know what? It doesn't bother me really. It's not like it's really the end. I am not ending my blog, I will be writing still, even if it is not posted every day. I will still have Music Mondays, Walking on Wednesdays, Thursday Thought of the Day posts, Friday Finds, Recipes, motivational stuff, life stuff, stuff about creating, I will still post my ramblings and nonsense and I will still write my heart out.

I have found some wonderful blogs that make me laugh, that make me think, that I just plain enjoy reading. I have forged some new online friendships, I have grown, I have embraced this writing life.

So ~ the end, it is not.
(Yoda crept in my head today)
source: cherrybam.com

It is simply another beginning.
source: Pinterest


  1. Heh... catching up today... I actually read all the way back through your blog a couple of weeks back. :D

    A bear! Oh my! And good tips on the running form... :D

  2. Welcome back Dakota!
    Thanks for reading. And commenting.


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