Music Monday! Lavender

Lavender, one of my favorite scents and it's color one of my favorites too.

I tried the lavender diffuser for relaxation, the lavender soap before bed to sleep more soundly. It obviously didn't work on me, as I had to (finally) see my doc about my new and exciting anxiety and loss of the ability to sleep soundly. Nights had been keeping me up. Still, all that lavender and his suggested medication was not quite enough.

However, the past couple weeks I have finally let myself relax. Turns out removing yourself from a toxic environment and exploring another path that seems so much better for me is the trick. It has been challenging, yes. But challenging in an exciting and positive way. And in the evenings I have been relaxing, finally.

One evening, sitting just listening to music, I was in such a relaxed state. I was in that in-between state of awake and sleep. It had been a long time since I just relaxed, enjoyed chilling to music. So relaxed, dozing off. Then I heard this song.

My brain perked up as it recognized the tune, the lyrics.  It was a song reminiscent of childhood, but the band was obviously not from childhood, more rock-and-roll than childhood song. My brain was telling me to get up and find out what this song was! 

Awake, and googled, long story short (I know, it has not been short), holy cow it is MARILLION! What a blast from the past from 1985! I mean this was an obscure song then. And, they are touring now! Wow. 

A perfect way to get back in to blogging. Back to Music Mondays, Musings, Motivations and Creations. I can't wait to get back to all those things. 

Being where I am now, I am so close to getting back to all these things, which I didn't realize was missing until I started getting it back. That sad little lavender plant now sitting on our back patio was the first thing I bought myself when we landed where we are now. It was my final effort to nurture the healing, to relax, and so I bought the dammed lavender plant to add to all my other lavender things. 

And guess what? It really isn't the lavender that makes me relaxed - it is the welcoming, warm, caring environment I now have around me. It is the new beginning of settling in where we don't have to fight anymore, where I actually hear children laughing daily, where I smile again, where I connect with people. I sing in the car again! We are where we don't watch so much TV, we let the music fill the room and just chill.

Lyrics from this song just hit the feels that night. I felt relaxed and happy to hear that obscure 80's song. Lately lots of lyrics and music have hit the feels, and it feels warm and lovely and right.  

I was walking in the park
Dreaming of a spark
When I heard the sprinklers whisper, shimmer
In the haze of summer lawns
Then I heard the children singing
They were running through the rainbows
They were singing a song for you
Well it seemed to be a song for you
The one I wanted to write for you, for you, you

Do you ever take a break from the TV and just let the music fill the room, the air, the brain? If so, what is one song that caught you off guard and had trouble placing where you knew it from? 
If not, try it, it is lovely. 

And let me know if you are actually still there, my blog followers. I do hope some of you are still out there, as I hope to be sharing musings and motivations more often now. 
A penny for your thoughts my dears, dilly dilly.


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