Thursday Thought of the Day ~ Nature


Thanks Pinterest

We now have got three walks in over the past five days. We took a long break, but hopefully this is the start of a regular thing. And today, I realized how much I missed it.

Every time we get back to walking, we wonder why we stopped. It is really such a simple thing, going for a walk in Nature. Why do we find so many excuses not to do it? 

Even they days you get rained on are wonderful - the other day, in fact, we were soaked. Even the grey and cloudy days are beautiful. 

Even a grey day is beautiful

I knew things were starting to feel better when I wanted to take a picture. Sure, that is not the best photo. It was cloudy, it was the 'wrong' time of day, it was a rough and not brilliant sea. We hadn't seen much that was particularly interesting. But still, the waves look cool, the breeze was refreshing, and the grey is a bit soothing. I realized I wasn't feeling nature, until then.

Figuring I may as well take as shot, seeing it through the lens (so to speak) I did start to really feel Nature. I suddenly wanted to capture that grey, that okay sea, that breeze, that feeling. 

And then I realized the little mangroves I had taken a picture of months ago really grew. There is a little group of them, doing their part in Nature. I do love the look of their roots shooting out of the water.

Mangroves and their awesome roots

And then other things interested me. I just had to let myself see what was around me. It is good to get back to enjoying Nature. Even if it is laying by the side of the road like garbage. Something about the hollow tree in pieces just got to me, it is so interesting. 

Interesting holy wood

Back to feeling nature. Enjoying nature. Why do we ever stop ?

I love man not the less, but Nature more. ~ Lord Byron


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