Music Monday! Run

This is a song that has been playing in the background of my mind ever since hubby got me on this Collective Soul kick. A beautifully written song, musically and lyrically.

The meaning, the general consensus writes, is about the shallowness of life. After doing everything, buying everything, life has no meaning. Do I have a long way to run - to find the meaning of life. Read more interpretations here.

I guess we are continually searching for meaning, for satisfaction, for happiness. Society would like us to be continually consuming to find these things. However, is that where we will find it?
I think not. Admittedly it has taken a long time to come to this conclusion. I guess I have been
running' for years. I am not saying I have solved this by any means, but certainly I am not 'running' like I used to. I am more content nowadays with what I have, and try to enjoy each moment and the little things. I am now sauntering along quite happy.

Maybe too heavy for a Monday? Maybe, but when you are on a Collective Soul kick, you do find yourself musing deeply. I like the thoughtfulness they bring with their songs. I have talked before about their poetic lyrics and mellow music, and taken their advice to come on and shine. They are a great band to just keep on in the background, and don't be surprised if you find yourself moving along and doing little dances here and there. It happens. Oh, and I hope you yourself are nearly done 'running' as well.


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