Featured Artisans from the On Fire Team ~ Danu's Treasure Trove AND What's Her Name

A double feature Featured Artisan from the On Fire Team! I missed last week, so today you get 2 fabulous creators.

We are a mother (Theresa) and daughter (Liz) team of artists and crafters. We create arts and crafts for the spirit. Our goal is to match each creation with the individual for whom it was designed. Spirit works in mysterious ways sometimes to bring about those matches.

I am Theresa, the "mom" half of this team. I am also know as Sóbhrag among my shamanic community. My first venture into crafts was as a teenager, when I discovered I could augment my wardrobe by making my own clothes. I considered sewing a practical skill, not a talent or an art. You see, I was not artistic or creative. At least, that's what I grew up believing.

Jewelry making is an out-growth of my life-long love and fascination with rocks. When I started on the shamanic path, I realized that stones had always been speaking to me; but I had not learned how to listen. I had made jewelry, at times, over the years to accessorize special outfits for myself and the kids. I had the skills; and now I had the reason. It became my passion to create things that were both aesthetically pleasing and spiritually meaningful.

You can Find Danu's Treasure Trove on"

This weeks Featured Artisan is Gayle Phillips Williams - What's Her Name!

I'm glad that I have this shop (& so does my son) for our craft/art therapy. Hope you enjoy our "works".

I try to recycled with my supplies when possible to keep my prices down and just for recycling sake.
Comments welcome(& Etsy hearts & circles)!  Some of my crafts are my own design 
and protected by Creative Commons. Most of my items are ooak-one of a kind.

You can find Wha'ts her Name on"

Are you On Fire for Handmade? http://onfireforhandmade.com


  1. Both artisans are fantastic! I love the simplicity of Danu's creations & the vibrant colors of What's Her Name.


    PS - Win lots of prizes AND promote your blog here:


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