Music Monday! You Get What You Give
It's been a while. I keep wanting to get a Music Monday done. I keep picking songs, even have a Two for Tuesday picked. But when it came to writing, I was at a loss. Nothing to give. Yes, I have written about having nothing to write about. A f ew times , and then some more . It is every writers problem, at one time or another. So I will save those songs when I feel the reason I picked them in the first place. But this song I heard, and I just felt like writing. I was avoiding the Debate last Wednesday, actually. Hubby wanted to 'witness history' or something like that. Me? Nope. I honestly have such a strong dislike for Trump, that listening to him at all gets me in such an annoyed and angry state it takes me a long time to recover from. I haven't uttered much about the election or the candidates for this reason. It is best for me to just put headphones on and listen to some good music and stay in my happy place. Anyway, to drown out the blathering on TV, I put ...