Music Monday! Who Can It Be Now?
I was in the kitchen the other day, cooking something I can't remember, when I noticed this little guy spying on me. Who can it be, knocking at my window? Like he was trying to figure out a way to get in, he stayed there for quite a while. As often happens, 80's songs pop in my head in certain situations, and this was no exception . Now, I like lizards. It wasn't that I didn't want him to come in really, it was just that he was there, peeking in at me rather suspiciously. Almost creepy..... I feed the lizards out back, but the ones out front are not as friendly. They run off quckly and do not let us get very close. But I do enjoy seeing them just the same. However, I can't say we say the same thing about human visitors. In fact, hubby hates having visitors. Several times last week he uttered; "I just want to be left the *&$% alone!" (edited to not expose you to his use of colorful language that he uses quite regularly). He does no...