Music Monday! Today Is Mine
Today is a day of remembering. A day of appreciation. A day we think of those we have lost who have given us a gift so precious. My father, before he left for the war. Today, I have been thinking about my father, who gave us this gift. He served in WWII in the Armored Division. He entered the war on the beaches of France, and traveled across Europe until they reached Germany. He never spoke about the war to us kids. He always became quiet and pensive when the topic came up. My father, on some R&R in France during the war. After he passed away, we found these pictures and learned little bits about his time serving his country. We finally understood ~ he was protecting us from the horrors of war. He served his time so his world, and his future children could be safe. It was as simple as that and there was no need to discuss. It got me to thinking how ' small and unimportant all my troubles seems to be, and how lucky another day belongs to me...